Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 11 of 30 Days of Video Games

Day 11 – Gaming system of choice

100% no contest my favorite gaming system ever is the Playstation 2!!! Pretty much all of my favorite games were on this console, with the exception of Zelda of course hehe.. But Silent Hill 1-4, Fatal Frame 1-3, Final Fantasy X and XII, Harvest Moon, Rule of Rose.... I could go on all day long about the amazing games released for the PS2 hehe!!

runner up:

Love the super nes as well!!!!!!! Zelda: A Link to the Past need I say more??? hehe also some of the Mario games, and a lot of other awesome games for this system as well!! :)

Day 10 of 30 Days of Video Games!!

Day 10 – Best gameplay

I love Zelda!!! I think that out of all video games I have played.. Zelda has always had some of the best gameplay ever!!! I just love how smooth most Zelda games run, and I love the combat systems just everything!! Zelda is amazing and incredibly fun to play!! and Twilight Princess is probably the best in regards to gameplay!! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 9 of 30 Days of Video Games!

Day 9 – Saddest game scene

There are quite a few sad scenes in games, but I think the saddest is probably this one...

Aeris' Death scene in Final Fantasy 7... It is incredibly sad that she had to die... She totally did not deserve to die at all, she was the most sweet, unselfish, and caring person ever.. and I think it probably will forever upset fans that she died.. :(

ps. this video is not mine, I found it on youtube... soo yea hehe

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 8 of 30 days of video games!!

Day 8 – Best soundtrack

Ok so by far this one was basically a no brainer for me, but it was inevitably a tie between....

Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, both games have amazing soundtracks!!!!!! When I hear them I get chills and it makes me soo happy makes me want to play the games over and over and over again!! Seriously this game series is just amazing.. and I've just listened to the soundtracks when bored before too.. lol

runner up:

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I love love love this game!!! And I love all of the songs in the game, most of them are ringtones on my phone.. lol such a classic game and the best of the series as far as soundtracks go! :)

Day 7 of 30 days of video games!!

Day 7 – Favorite game couple

Hmmmm I have a few favorite video game couples, but my most favorite would have to be........

Yuna and Tidus from Final Fantasy X!! I love these two, they are sooo cute together and their love for each other is really amazing! Its just sad that they couldn't be together forever... :(

runner ups:

Sarah and Kaim from Lost Odyssey, though I haven't beat this game yet, from what I have seen soo far, I love those two.. soo sad that they were separated for all those years with wiped memories, but their bond brought them back together anyway, also cool that they are both immortals!

Polka and Allegretto from Eternal Sonata! How can anyone not love those two?? Their little budding relationship is soo adorable, its sooo sweet how overprotective Allegretto is of Polka! :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 6 of 30 Days of Gaming

Day 6 – Most annoying character.

OK so I have met with quite a few annoying characters in my day but I would have to say that by far Navi the Fairy has been the most annoying character ever!!!!!!!

Do I really need to explain why....?? Hey! HEY! Listen!!!!! And you will hear this time and time again throughout the entire game!! And whats most annoying is she does it even when you are trying to fight a boss how utterly annoying!! Yea sure her advice is helpful if you don't know what you need to do, but dang does she need to be sooo persistent?? Lol..

runner ups:

Jansen-Lost Odyssey: Seriously this dude is obnoxious as hell... All of his ignorant comments and womanizer ways.. seriously annoying!!!! Lol but I guess he is good for some comic relief in the serious storyline hehe..

Laura-Silent Hill 2: Wooow she is such an annoying little brat... kicking the key in the apt so that you cant get it, making you have to find a crazy alternate route to find it, making you run all over town following her to make sure she is ok, and tricking you into getting locked into a room with a monster.. she was a major pain in the butt.. but in the end I guess I understand why she was that way towards James and her story was kind of sad... but she was still damn annoying lol

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 5 of 30 days of Gaming!

Day 5 – Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).

Ok this one is really hard for me as I am not completely like any video game character really... but the first character to come to mind every time I began to think about it was always.........

Heather from Silent Hill 3, I feel that I identity with her quite a bit.. For the most part she is very carefree, well until she gets sucked into the world of Silent Hill anyway hehe, but that's enough to kill anyone's happiness huh?? I am also a very carefree live in the moment kind of person, I feel that we both don't really like confrontation, she seems to be annoyed by Claudia and Vincent stirring up trouble in her life.She like me is also very vulnerable and at times a bit overly emotional, I am definitely like that as well.. Last but not least she is sarcastic and I feel that I am always being sarcastic!

Yea.. as I said this one was really hard for me so sorry for the crappy reasoning behind it lol..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 4 of 30 days of gaming!!

Day 4: your guilty pleasure game

yup yup Kingdom Hearts, I do love the game, as much as I am embarrassed to say hehe.. As it is beyond ridiculously popular by the younger gamer crowd and the fandom surrounding it really annoys me.. but I did enjoy the actual game itself, I am a bit of an old school disney geek and it was really cool how they incorporated disney and final fantasy together soo fun! :)

runner up:

I totally love Harvest Moon, I have no idea why either really... hehe its just really addicting trying to work at things in the game towards buying new additions to your house and farm, and trying to woo boys or girls in the village hehe. I love Harvest Moon 64 the most though I would say.. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 3 of 30 days of video games!!!

Day 3 – A game that is underrated.

hmmm wow this one is really hard for me to pick just one game... I have played and loved sooo many underrated games its not funny.. But upon a lot of thought and consideration I choose...........

Eternal Sonata! I feel that this game was a beautiful game, yea sure the graphics weren't as good as they could have been, but the gameplay and story really drew me in, and not a lot of games can tame my A.D.D. but this one did. I have a bad habit of starting games playing them for a few days then getting a.d.d. and starting off another game.. lol but this game held my interest until the very end! I think it is a very neat way of incorporating the history of the great composer frederic chopin into a video game! Although the parts where they did more of a back story to the real chopin were a tad boring and strange it helped you to understand the story a bit better. I love the scenery and the character designs as well, this game was overall just a great rpg with a very good story imo..

but since of course I have played soo many underrated games I will add in a few honorable mentions:

Rule of Rose was a great game! Not a lot of people have even heard of it really but the storyline is delightfully twisted of a young girl being bullied and ridiculed by the red crayon aristocrat club, this game is a great psychological survival horror game, the only bad thing I can say is that the controls really suck for the game, and jennifer walks soooo slow!! lol other than that a great story!

Fatal Frame is a great survival horror game that not a lot of people have heard of.. It is the only game that actually scared me when playing!! Lol.. You have to fight ghosts with the camera obscura, which sounds lame I know, but it really draws you in because you are looking at the battle area through the camera, so your vision is hardcore limited and when the ghost appears as you are searching for it, it freaks you out!! lol This game series also had a very interesting storyline that was based on real japanese folk tales. My only complaint for this game is that damn but the characters walk soooooo slow.. lol

ok sooo this blog was waay longer than the others but I feel that these games deserve some recognition! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 2 of 30 days of video games!!

Day 2: favorite character...??

This is really very hard for me.. hehe I have soo many characters that I love so picking my number one favorite is a bit difficult for me.. but if I must choose then I will say......

Yuna from Final Fantasy X and X-2!

I just love her story and how sweet and passionate she is! She is willing to go through soo much just to please others, she grows throughout the story and becomes a very strong person. I think that out of all the final fantasys X had one of the best story lines!! :)

since it was sooo difficult to choose a favorite character I will make some honorable mentions hehe!!
Heather-silent hill 3 (I love Heather and I love silent hill to death!!!!!)
Link-Legend of Zelda series (duh isnt this one obvious?? who doesnt love link??)

hehe welp see ya tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 days of video games!!!

So I totally seen a friend of my do this on facebook and I thought it was a really fun idea!! So I totally wanna do it too! I will prob cross post this on my facebook as well hehe! :)

So here are the days and what questions I will be answering each day!!
Day 1 – Very First Video Game.
Day 2 – Your favorite character.
Day 3 – A game that is underrated.
Day 4 – Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 – Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 – Most annoying character.
Day 7 – Favorite game couple.
Day 8 – Best soundtrack.
Day 9 – Saddest game scene.
Day 10 – Best gameplay.
Day 11 – Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 – A game everyone should play.
Day 13 – A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 – Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 – Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 – Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 – Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 – Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 – Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 – Favorite genre.
Day 21 – Game with the best story.
Day 22 – A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 – Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 – Favorite classic game.
Day 25 – A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 – Best voice acting.
Day 27 – Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 – Favorite game developer.
Day 29 – A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 – Your favorite game of all time.

OK soooo Day one: Very first video game?

Hmmmm I do believe my very first video game was The original Mario bros game for the NES

I totally remember playing this game with my brother when I was like 5 or 6, I especially remember how much I loved to play duck hunt!!

Hehe it was sooo much fun.. ahhh the good ol days of gaming! :)

Welp see ya guys tomorrow for the next question! :)

Ohayocon and current things

So I will not be making any new cosplays for Ohayocon as time and money weren't really in my favor..
Soo my lineup will probably be as follows:

Friday: Princess Garnet, Festival Yuna or Anemone for early in the day, and Mio from Fatal Frame in the evening!

Saturday: Princess Agitha for the entire first half/majority of the day, and Heather at night

This is pretty tentative at the moment but probably going to be for sure what I will go with! I just need to really figure out Friday and which costume I really want to bring.. as I end up being lazy on fridays of cons and not cosplaying really.. lol

Ok so what I need to finish up is I still need to finish up...

For Heather: which I will have to start working on that.. still need to finish boots, vest and pendant..

For Mio: buy/make camera obscura.. finish making shirt, figure out a wig..? Thats pretty much it for her..

For Agitha: make new gloves, new socks, finish making new shirt, make umbrella, possibly trim wig

I cant believe Ohayo is like 3 weeks away seems like yesterday it was 3 months away ahhh!!! I will get all this done hopefully this weekend tho.. :)

As for future cosplays.. I may just take a break on any major projects to let my bank account heal and, I am also working really hard to loose some major weight sooo, dont really wanna make any new costumes if they wont fit me later on hehe. So I guess I will just work on the planning stages of future cosplays! :)

Anywho cant wait to see you guys at Ohayocon!! :)